American Style Throat hoops Hose clamps Hose hoops


The Throat Hoops of American style of Enyoo company offers is devided to 2 Types according to band width(8mm,12.7mm)

American Style 8mm(Band Width)

Matl:SUS 304,316

Tightening Dia:8-30mm


American Style 12.7mm(Band Width)

Matl:SUS 304,316

Tightening Dia:11-300mm


Throat hoops, also known as hose clamps,Hose hoops are mainly divided into British, American and German styles. Materials usually include stainless steel and iron.

Can be used to fasten pipes and ducts and hoses.

They can be used in a variety of applications, including

  1. Securingwater and gas pipes.
  2. Fasteninghoses in automotive cooling systems.
  3. Fastening exhaust ducts
  4. Holding large pipes
  5. Clamping diesel and petrol pipes


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